
Exercises of practical life

Young children are striving towards independence. Practical life activities help them perfect the skills they need in daily life. While learning essential life skills, they are also developing hand-eye coordination and concentration.

Education of the Senses

Children are constantly exploring the world and taking in impressions through all the senses. The sensorial materials encourage children to order and classify the world they live in. These activities stimulate and develop the senses, refining the children’s powers of observation, perception and communication.They also lay the foundation for what Montessori called ‘the mathematical mind’.


Mathematical concepts are taught through the use of tangible, concrete materials which allow children to internalize abstract ideas effectively.

Language and Literacy

From the moment they enter the classroom, the children are exposed to an environment rich in language. They are prepared to read and write through a series of activities that gradually build upon all of the individual skills necessary for natural intellectual progression.

Cultural subjects

Geography, history, biology, botany, zoology, art and music are explored through a hands-on approach based upon the understanding that children learn most effectively from their own experiences. Dr Montessori said, Let us give the child a version of the whole universe… and the cultural subjects are geared to this end.

Expressive Arts

The children are encouraged in creative expression and exposed to the higher arts. Art and music materials are freely available and our specialist teachers introduce new techniques and projects weekly.